No rush, we were looking at some time in September, later not sooner, there’s no fixed deadline as such. Don’t forget that this is the junior trade, designed for novices. Hopefully it won’t be the only junior trade ….
Your bow doesn’t have to be show quality, just your best at this time. Every bow I build is a big step forward on the last one, if I waited until my quality peaked, I’d be dead before anyone saw any of my work. Every bow I build I ask for tiller advice. Do not be discouraged by where other builders are, heck none of us can compete with a national championship level builder…
Post some pictures and we can give you a more objective opinion on where you’re at.
I used to teach carving and one time one of my novices insisted her first carving was awful - it was lovely but all she could see were the imperfections which no-one else could see (including me) so I dropped the piece in the finishing oil, wiped it clean and told her it was done. If she had carried on picking at it she’d have ruined a lovely piece.
Show us some pics , or, email me some to look over if you’d rather?