Hello Primitive Archers!
A few remarks from my side:
Since I got a new mobile phone - maybe 2 years ago - I have difficulties to get on your site with my mobile device. I have three browsers on the phone (opera/firefox/chrome) but they give security warnings and dont let me on your site. It only works with special tricks with the opera browser. Logging in and posting from the mobile phone is definitly impossible for me - I would call myself ans experienced user but not a nerd. I'm always getting these warnings you see on the pics below.
I also state that fewer and fewer people are posting in PA and I think this is one of the main reasons. I met a bunch of people that used to regularly post on PA on other platforms now; when I asked them why they dont post anymore on PA the answer is always is "because its not safe" or "my phone does not let me". When I send PA-related links to friends I always get the reply: "cannot open it".
This is essential for PA as such! Since people more and more surf the internet on their mobile phones this is more and more important. If this is not gonna be changed, PA-Forum will go down the drain, more sooner than later. PA will definitly sink in insignificancy! There is very strong competition with other platforms nowadys, especially in the so called social media. It's 11:55 pm for PA.
PA is a great ressource for bowmakers from all around the world and a great community so it would be very very sad to loose this!!!!!
A few more things:
1. There really should be a better photo uploading routine. Because it is so bad, its officially suggested, to use photo hosting. This is a very bad habit because sooner or later all the pics an PA will end on dead links. For a bowmaking forum pics are esential.
2. The structure in the "Bows" section is very unpractical. Please make seperate places for presenting bows, for tools, for questions about wood, etc.
3. There is so much content on this site - but you will never find anything again without a working tool for searching all that content.
Thank you - I hope to still read an post on PA in 10 years!
Cheers Simon