Author Topic: Dimensions of an Andaman-Holmegaard bow  (Read 7853 times)

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Eric Garza

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Dimensions of an Andaman-Holmegaard bow
« on: May 24, 2008, 06:43:05 pm »
After reading The Traditional Bowyer's Bible Vol. IV (which was worth every penny I paid for it and then some), I'm intrigued by the Andaman-Homegaard bows shown in Tim Baker's "Design and Performance Revisited" chapter. 

I just picked up a pair of 2-1/4 inch red oak board staves at the local hardwood lumber dealer yesterday, and will start working on at least one of these bows in short order.  Don't want to use any of my nice staves quite yet, in case there's a learning curve. 

Baker gives dimensions for a couple bows, but I wonder if others have had success with this design and what types of woods and dimensions they used?

Look forward to hearing from folks.  Best,



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Re: Dimensions of an Andaman-Holmegaard bow
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2008, 09:42:28 pm »

i've made a few holmegaards, and so has adb...go to the buildalongs and you will find adb's holmegaard's great. 

What is an "andaman"?

Offline rudderbows

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Re: Dimensions of an Andaman-Holmegaard bow
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2008, 01:07:33 am »
Made quite a few of them from solid hickory lumber materials. They seem wll adapt to lengths at 66-72" long. 6" handle area , 1 1/2" fades. . 1 3/4" wide above the handle is the widest pointTapering 13" up from there to 1 1/4" wide. From that point for the next 1 1/2" tapered to 1" wide. Than the next 13" tapered to 3/4" wide. Than the last 3 1/2" tapered to 1/2-5/8" wide.  Thicknesses depend on wood density ,and draw weights desired etc. These dimensions are for a 72" bow and work quite well for us here.   
 They seem to shoot well with diminished handshock and decent speed. I would not hesitate to hunt with one at 45-50 pounds.