Great Pic ! Treestand therapy cleanses the Soul
It certainly does cleanse the soul.
Gotta admit it doesn’t make my sciatic nerve feel any better though. And my floater’s in my eyes don’t help for seeing deer either. Still was good to be able to get out though. Still the only chance I had.
We did finish up our neighbors Black Beans and another neighbor’s soybeans. They were both very happy to get them off and get wheat planted.
We got parts to fix my son’s header for his combine. Tore it apart and replaced stainless steel floor. Pretty big in season job, but we got it finished yesterday. Really only missed one day harvesting with it.
It rained yesterday and it is supposed to drizzle around here for the next five days. Really glad we got as much done as we have.
We still have to harvest our soybeans, but they aren’t quite ready yet. Permanent pile regular season beet harvest is probably only a couple weeks away now. The weather is supposed to be highs in the 50’s lows in the low 40’s to upper 30’s now. That would be ideal weather to harvest and pile our beets, but it’s a little early yet. Normally we start permanent piles about oct 20. We need cool enough temperatures that our beets will store well. However we can’t pile beets that are frozen.