"I'm certain that something was not done exactly right with the glue line and/or glue-up on these failures, but I'm equally certain that none of the boyers that experienced the failures thought that they were doing or realized that they did anything wrong."
People never do, right? Or they wouldn't have done it.
If you're certain is was substandard gluing practices at fault, then just do as they should have... do it right... without over complicating it. Overlays will NOT come off if good gluing practices are 'adhered to'. You can if you wish, but there is absolutely no need for drilling holes and installing pins.
Bassman, I had a string break mid-string and it was precisely where I soaked a tied on nock point(dental floss) with thin viscosity superglue. Maybe because it was thin viscosity? Did it harden it? Did it partially melt/degrade it? That stuff can get quite hot as it dries. I don't know, it was a long time ago, but I've been a lot more hesitant to use it since that 'exciting' moment when my bow turned into a throwing stick of sorts at full draw