Author Topic: Pit bulls, yikes!  (Read 4262 times)

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Offline Eric Krewson

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Pit bulls, yikes!
« on: November 24, 2021, 12:10:52 am »
I have a new piece of property to hunt, the owner told me it was covered up with deer, yesterday evening I let a spike walk, it was looking good at that point, I am flintlock rifle hunting.

I am still learning the small patch of woods that may be 20 acres, yesterday I was on the front edge of the property, today I ventured about 300 yards deeper in and down against the rear property line and fence just to check on deer movement.

About 4:00 I thought I thought I heard chasing and got ready, it turned out to be 5 pitbulls cold trailing a deer and they were coming right at me. When they saw me they got aggressive and quickly surrounded me barking and jumping at me, I had my back to a huge tree but but it seemed like they were bluffing.

There I was with 1 shot and 5 targets if it came to that. I have trained a lot of dogs and decided my only option was to talk my way out of this situation. I spoke to them in a soft tone, and told them they were "good dogs" and I was their "buddy". It took a few minutes but I could see a couple of them calming down. A younger, smaller dog eased up to smell me, I let it smell my hand and was able to pet it on the head, most the other dogs stopped barking and eased forward cautiously as well, soon I had 4 out of the 5 waiting their turn to be petted. One never dropped her agressive stance.

After about 10 minutes of calming them down the aggressive dog led the rest back on the deer's track and over the ridge they went.

About 30 minutes later a 6 or 8 point came by at a fast trot, a few minutes later here came two of the pitbulls hot on his heals, over the far ridge they went.

It looks like these dogs from a nearby house rule the roost on this land. When a dog decides his job is to run deer he seldom misses a days work and often makes land un-huntable.

I am going back but my pistola will be in my pocket, facing down 5 threats with one shot isn't going to cut it. Of course putting one or more of the dogs down will only happen if one actually sinks his teeth into me.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 12:14:37 am by Eric Krewson »

Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2021, 03:19:39 am »
i wonder if letting their theet into you would leave you enough time to use your pistola

Offline Pappy

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2021, 07:52:51 am »
I had that happen to me once Eric on our family home place I use to hunt, they were there every day and circled my tree several times, finely I had enough  >:( it took a while but finely 1 by 1 I got them taken care of, I only bow hunt but carried something a little extra for them until they were no more. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2021, 09:07:19 am »
I have  Crimson Trace laser grips on my defensive carry gun, very quick acquisition from any position.

I am also going to put my POM pepper spray in my pocket, this stuff shoots a 12' stream and is the most vicious on the market.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2021, 11:38:47 am »
You made the best choice in the situation you had. Pack mentality changes even the best of dogs.

The real problem is with the owner(s) of the dogs, as it always is. Their lack of control over their animals could end up having a terrible consequence. Hopefully, a reasonable request for them to contain their animals will be sufficient, but they may need to have a visit from someone from the sheriff's department or a conservation officer to impress upon them the gravity of the situation. If that doesn't work, culling is about the only real answer.

The most I have had to deal with was just one single aggressive dog. It was a very large husky that I returned to the owners several times until I got sick of it. I started trapping her in my garage and called the sheriff's department. Then came the day she turned on my dog. When I got a hand on her collar, she turned on me. I was fortunate enough to have a good grip on the collar and was able to choke her out. I pressed charges and the people moved away a month later. Turns out she was running horses up the road as well as harassing other dogs and people. They got evicted.

She was a beautiful beast and friendly as all get-out if she encountered just me. But she had gotten into a hunt/pursue mentality when she'd get out and that was too much to bear.
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Offline boomhowzer

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2021, 06:52:03 pm »
Thanks for sharing. The story reminds me of the Pine Barrens' junk yard dogs in Tom Brown Jr.'s book The Tracker.
Bellaire, MI

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2021, 08:32:54 am »
I read that book, probably a bit of fiction thrown in with the facts but a very good read.

I thought about it an wondered why someone would keep 5 free roaming pits around their house and drug dealing came to mind, it was that kind of meth area.

Offline boomhowzer

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2021, 09:00:40 pm »
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story..that's what my old friend used to say
Bellaire, MI

Offline darinputman

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Re: Pit bulls, yikes!
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2021, 02:16:12 pm »
Sounds like you handled it well.