Author Topic: Trade bow - ERC-boo with mammoth and stingray  (Read 3697 times)

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Offline airkah

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Re: Trade bow - ERC-boo with mammoth and stingray
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2021, 03:40:37 pm »
I'm so sorry to hear about the frets, I can tell just how much heart and soul went into the bow from the level of craftsmanship.

Offline HH~

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Re: Trade bow - ERC-boo with mammoth and stingray
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2021, 06:43:37 pm »
Have done this for a few guys bows. If you can't save the core, you can save the boo and re taper sand it for another build. Just saw the boo off and make sure you stay in the ERC and then sand it clean on a 48-60" belt sander.

You put thick boo on a wood that is weak in compression and the boo will over power it in a heart beat. You can limit the impact by sanding it thinner where the bow does the most bending. I like to put a thin hickory tapered core lam into my boo backed bows with osage and the like. I stay away from board store lumber. If I want to start with a board I take a stave with correct orientation and make into a board out of wood I know that has been cared for to make a bow out of. Seems to work for me but I dont make a lot of backed bows.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW


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Re: Trade bow - ERC-boo with mammoth and stingray
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2021, 10:55:54 am »
how wide was it.. I am working on one now..? gut