my first bow was made from a purchased floor tiilered stave.
so no i dont think it would make you a hack. you can lear a lot about tillering going that route,i did.
heck after that one i aquired a hickory stave from a dude i met at our local ren-fest last year.well lets just say it didnt work out as planed.the back lifted at a knot after itwas floor tillered and was working on final i need backstrap sinew to try and repair it.
heck i still have 4 more purchased floor tilered staves and 1 purchased boo/hickory reflex/deflex lamination kit(s) to finish.
for b-days and x-mas this is what the wife and boys get me now,i dont have access to too many trees for making staves from and find these floor tillered staves toi be cheaper most times than purchsing full staves from places on line.
however i have found that most on here are more than fair on prices for the ones they are willing to part with,not to mention they are all good folks and are willing to give excellent advise on any bow related building regardless of what or where youve gotten your bow wood from.
so go with whatever you are comfortable with to learn from,eventually you will be looking for full staves not to mention full trees.