The mulberry steamed ridiculously easily, just a few seconds in the spout of a kettle.
This is a photo before fine tuning and finishing. The comb stops the pin falling out when the tickler is pulled down, the pin has a square base which stops it falling out when the bow is inverted. The key to the medieval look is to make the tiller the same length as the string
The bow lath in the photo is the original ash lath which failed due to bad design, the pin is the pivot pin not the firing pin which I made from horn.
Shooting sitting down is very civilised! My practice bolts are not the best quality but I hit a 2ft square target at 15yds every shot from the get-go. I havent tested for range yet but there was enough energy in the bolt,on the once I missed, to smash a 9mm bamboo bolt when it hit the wall behind the target