It was interesting project adjusting t the slip clutch on my tiller, I had watched the you tube videos on breaking a clutch free.
I backed the clutch springs all the way off, raised my tiller off the ground and put it in gear, nothing. I had a paint line across the clutch plates to see if they would move, nothing moved.
I went to plan B cautiously; I put the tiler slightly on the ground and bumped it into gear, This time I heard a sickening brief screech and though "what have I done". I got off the tractor and checked my marks, they had moved. I popped the tiller into gear again and the screech got louder and then got quiet, success, everything in the clutch was rotating freely.
I tilled a really rough spot for my neighbors greens patch, in the past I almost always pick up a huge rock and locked my tiller up on this plot. This time I didn't pick up anything and couldn't check my adjustment handiwork to see if I had things just right.