Author Topic: Crepe Myrtle Bow  (Read 2923 times)

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Offline aznboi3644

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Re: Crepe Myrtle Bow
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2020, 05:48:16 am »
Here is my take on a Hadzabe style bow made from crepe myrtle.  Except I deflexed the stave to begin with because it was meant to be permanently strung.  The bow was made from a 1 1/18” diameter branch.  Drew 70lbs @ 26”.   Not the most efficient but it wasn’t meant to be. It was fun to shoot and was accurate.   

I paid no attention to the pith on this one.  The branch was seasoned with the bark on for 10 years.

If I were you I would get my hands on all the straight branches I could get that are bigger than 3/4” diameter.  Fun little short bows can be made from them smaller diameter branches.

Offline BeePrimitive

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Re: Crepe Myrtle Bow
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2020, 10:58:44 am »
aznboi, I think I will cut more. My dad planted about an eighth of an acre of CM in the hopes of letting them get up to size to sell. He had some major health problems and they got awa from him. Now that he feels better he is going to clear the land for something else.

I’ll post a picture of the grove and some of the stuff in there.

Thanks for your input!