Does it matter what kind of critter one uses for sinew backing? Our big-game harvest is pretty limited here in Wyoming, not like some of you guys that get to shoot four, five dozen white tails a year.

Collecting enough sinew for a bow (and a lot of extra for the inevitable screw-ups while I'm learning) could be a multi-year project.
But I have a friend who raises and butchers cattle for a living, and I'm pretty sure I could get all the angus tendons I could use from him. There's a buffalo ranch on the edge of town, and a yak ranch up in the Bighorns. Being a little less realistic, I'm also wondering about predators: I have a few friends that are avid bear and coyote hunters. A bow backed with bear sinew would feel like it had some good "magic" to it...
Just curious what you guys think. Is sinew sinew, or does it matter?