I decided to do a little experiment with some homemade paste wax. I don't have the ability to make this scientific so I'm just looking at tacky-ness after it's applied, and maybe set the samples out in the weather to see what happens. Would be open to other suggestions.
I made a base from bees wax, paraffin, carnuba, and turpentine. Roughly equal portions of the last three and a double portion of bees wax.
Sample A is just the base.
Sample B has flax oil added
Sample C has BLO added.
I rubbed a bit from each sample in to some popsicle sticks and sat them aside for a day. The thermostat is set at 64°. So I'm sure these will behave a little differently when the weather warms.
Sample A feels like quality finished leather. Hard to describe, but I dont get any waxy residue on my finger when I touch it, and has a good feel.
Sample B is tacky and I get an oily waxy residue when I touch it.
Sample C is somewhere in between. Has a good feel, but slightly tacky and I do get a little oily waxy residue
I'm going to let these sit for a week to give the driers in the BLO a chance to do their thing and see if the flax oil will cure at all on its own. Then I'll reevaluate the feel and move them out doors to weather.
ETA: I think I'm going to treat some leather samples with each one as well, and see how it goes.