Author Topic: What does this even mean?!  (Read 2630 times)

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Offline Mesophilic

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What does this even mean?!
« on: February 11, 2020, 12:15:38 am »
Watching a Japanese archery documentary.

Took away two quotes from the show:

If you focus on hitting the target you will always miss, the aim is to hit the target without trying to.

If you will yourself to hit the target this will upset your mind.

What do these quotes mean?  Maybe someone here could explain it in a way that makes sense.
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Offline Pappy

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2020, 06:28:13 am »
To deep for this feeble mind, some think ZEN will do your shooting for you. ;) :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2020, 06:53:11 am »
Ha ha, Zen thinking.  I'd say the take away, to my feeble mind, is "Don't overthink it too much; don't get so upset about misses that you forget to learn from them; don't be so intent on hitting the mark that you fail to appreciate the journey; the ultimate goal is to be so  one with the arrow that it hits the mark without your conscious effort;" all that sort of thing.

It might also help to keep in mind that, for a Zen practitioner, hitting the mark is not really the point.  The goal is spiritual enlightenment, and archery (or flower arranging, or calligraphy, or bonsai, or martial arts, or whatever) is just the vehicle to get there.  At least, that's how I understand it.  Pretty heavy stuff for a Tuesday morning when I haven't had a cup of tea yet.  Best I can do.   :o
Lander, Wyoming
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Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
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Offline TimBo

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2020, 07:55:46 am »
Try to find a copy of Zen in the Art of Archery.  Actually I think I have a second copy I can send you if you want.  It is a good read and talks a lot about this issue.

Offline mullet

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2020, 07:58:16 am »
I was taking Zen Archery for a few months. Basically what I got from it was that trying to perfect your form till you did not have to think about what you were doing was more important then thinking about where you would hit the target.Once shooting became as natural as breathing you wouldn't have any trouble hitting the target.

I trained in Japanese karate for over 40 years and I remember Otsuka Sensei , the founder of Wado Ryu, say that in all of the years he had trained he never learned to throw a perfect punch.

It's Zen. Always thriving for perfection and harmony. WhistlingBadger is on it.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2020, 08:43:13 am »
I read the Zen book and was intrigued with it, mind over matter so to speak.

The book stressed visualizing your shot; one day at the indoor range as I was about to leave when I noticed a 2" piece of aluminum arrow someone had hung by a string in front of the back stop to use as a swinging target.

I was going out the door and stopped a little beyond the 30 yard line with my back to the backstop, I closed my eyes and visualised my arrow centering that piece of broken arrow on the string.

I knocked and arrow in my Bighorn, spun around and in one smooth motion drew and shot at the almost invisible piece of arrow. I heard a "tink" followed by pieces of the broken arrow hitting the concrete floor. I had hit this piece of arrow so perfectly that I broke it into two pieces even though with it hanging on a string.

I thought "this stuff works" and could make amazing shots for a week or two but then found this focus took an amazing amount of concentration and will power. I got sloppy and lost the focus and the ability.

Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2020, 09:09:16 am »
I read the Zen book and was intrigued with it, mind over matter so to speak.

The book stressed visualizing your shot; one day at the indoor range as I was about to leave when I noticed a 2" piece of aluminum arrow someone had hung by a string in front of the back stop to use as a swinging target.

I was going out the door and stopped a little beyond the 30 yard line with my back to the backstop, I closed my eyes and visualised my arrow centering that piece of broken arrow on the string.

I knocked and arrow in my Bighorn, spun around and in one smooth motion drew and shot at the almost invisible piece of arrow. I heard a "tink" followed by pieces of the broken arrow hitting the concrete floor. I had hit this piece of arrow so perfectly that I broke it into two pieces even though with it hanging on a string.

I thought "this stuff works" and could make amazing shots for a week or two but then found this focus took an amazing amount of concentration and will power. I got sloppy and lost the focus and the ability.

Yep, I've experienced that sort of thing, too.  I think the mark of a master is someone who can maintain that complete focus (and yes, complete lack of effort, at the same time--Zen) shot after shot, day after day. 

I'm not into Zen spirituality (I'm a follower of Jesus, and at risk of bringing "religion" into it, there are some real similarities:  the outward goodness is not the point, but merely a means to an end, and a natural outcome of an inner change), but I think that sort of consistent, effortless, complete concentration is an admirable, and probably attainable, goal.  I hope to get close some day.  I'm intrigued by the idea that the inner game is more important than the outer action.  I often find that to be the case for me, in archery and elsewhere.

Some people call it being "in the zone," or "in the flow."  A musician friend of mine refers to it as "the instrument is playing me."  I get there now and then, and it is a beautiful thing.  I guess the real paradox of the thing is that attaining that effortless state requires a whoooole lot of conscious, deliberate work.

I read "Zen in the Art of Archery" years ago when I was in college and thought I understood stuff.  I remember that the student was trying to find the trick to aiming, totally missing the point, and the teacher was so upset he refused to go on with lessons for a while.
Lander, Wyoming
"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
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Offline JEB

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2020, 11:21:17 am »
Well I know karate and seven other foreign words and that about it for this Zen thing for me. I just  grab a bow and arrow and kill deer.    (SH) :-D

Offline wstanley

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2020, 12:59:46 pm »
I used to play college baseball (shortstop) and you can tell when your pitcher is off his game, has no control. No matter what they do to adjust, they just cant find the strike-zone. We would say: "quit aiming the ball and throw it!"  I think the quotes are saying the same thing. Let your natural ability take over, and keep your mind out of it. Focus of body and mind without actually thinking about it. Just do it. Instinct. That's what I think anyways.

Offline WhistlingBadger

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2020, 01:07:24 pm »
Well I know karate and seven other foreign words and that about it for this Zen thing for me. I just  grab a bow and arrow and kill deer.    (SH) :-D

Sounds about right to me!   ;D (SH)
Lander, Wyoming
"The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.
Travel too fast, and you miss all you are traveling for."
~Louis L'Amour

Offline Mesophilic

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2020, 02:01:08 pm »
I knew you guys would have some good insight.   If the snow ever melts I'm going to try this Zen thing.

The closest I can get on my own is to concentrate on the spot I want to hit, not taking my eye from it,  and force myself to count to 5 before I draw the bow.  When it works, it feels great and my accuracy is excellent.   

Trying is the first step to failure
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Offline Pappy

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2020, 04:26:21 pm »
 :) :) :) :) Thats me JEB.  :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2020, 12:30:53 am »
Sounds about right!  Pick your spot and hit it, don't overthink the process.  Do the same thing every time and adjust your form to put the arrow where you want it to hit!  Have yet to make a bow kill primarily because life kept getting in the way, but have shot several groups tight enough to "Robin Hood" a couple arrows!  Above all, relax and enjoy the journey on every shot!
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!

Offline DC

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Re: What does this even mean?!
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2020, 12:07:40 pm »
You still have to know how to shoot. Just because someone has approached enlightenment in his/her living room doesn't mean they can pick up a bow and shoot gold. First, learn how to shoot. Then if you are having an off day, relax and let the force be with you.