Author Topic: More reflex-top or bottom  (Read 5818 times)

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Offline DC

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Re: More reflex-top or bottom
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2020, 02:25:27 pm »
U might be right bout that,..that's why I am confused in my thinking,..I have one bow I hunt with,,.the bottom limb kept getting a bit weaker,..the bow was short,.I was pushing the wood for sure,,.finally after taking wood off top limb several times it settled in nice tiller and has stayed,,.I think on the shorter bows,,.the pressure on bottom limb is more critacal

So the bottom limb took more set than the top. The knee jerk reaction is to make the bottom stiffer but if you leave it thicker it's going to take more set isn't it? So is it making it stiffer what caused the problem in the first place? Maybe if you left it wider instead of thicker? This stuff makes my head hurt. It all seems to go in circles ;D

Offline DC

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Re: More reflex-top or bottom
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2020, 03:25:57 pm »
Here's the bow. You guys with better eyes may see more than me. Bottom (left) limb is the one with more reflex. If you look about 6" to the right of the handle you may see a tad more bend(tiny hinge, you can see it if you sight down the bow). I think this is where 90% of the set came from. I think there's about 1" set, it's hard to tell when you chop some off the tips halfway through and forget to measure.
The hinge came from where I glued on the "riser" and the had to blend it in with the limb. I messed up and had a bit of a dip there in the early going. That part always gives me trouble, I'll try to leave more wood there in the future.
Anyway the good news 40.5#@28". 190fps consistently, best of 192 early in the finishing. Thats with a 406 grain arrow. 10grpp. I'm pleased with that. next one will be the same but hopefully I can avoid the hinge.

Offline bradsmith2010

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Re: More reflex-top or bottom
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2020, 05:10:57 pm »
nice work, I cant see the hinge,,  maybe (hinge) is making it shoot in the 190's,,,ok you only need a few fps to hit 200.... do you think one more inch of reflex would do it,,,???? on the next one,,

on my bow,, I think the bottom limb was just not stabalized,,I think the way I was holding the string was putting more pressure on the bottom limb,,it finally settled in, I made the top limb weaker to match it and it was fine,,
the bow shot better with the postive tiller,, on that bow,, I could shoot it with either limb up and did,,but like I said when the tiller settled,,it stayed fine and shot well,, with the bottom limb "looking" a bit stiffer,, at full draw they may have been even,,but when it started shooting well,, I stopped looking at it,,
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 05:15:30 pm by bradsmith2010 »

Offline willie

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Re: More reflex-top or bottom
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2020, 06:50:00 pm »
"People don’t like their bows looking out of tiller at brace, Jeff."

I know bud, trust me, I know  ::)  That's one of the reasons I pass on most of these tiller conversations nowadays. The fact that they're not open to it is an issue because many bows should look 'out of tiller' in order to be tillered their best. A bow with reflex in just one limb is one of them.

Note my signature...  ;)

Jeff, your insights are appreciated by some. Don't pass too often, just keep posting as you wish
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 07:53:44 pm by willie »

Offline PatM

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Re: More reflex-top or bottom
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2020, 06:56:39 pm »
That was an explanation, not a criticism.