nice work, I cant see the hinge,, maybe (hinge) is making it shoot in the 190's,,,ok you only need a few fps to hit 200.... do you think one more inch of reflex would do it,,,?

on the next one,,
on my bow,, I think the bottom limb was just not stabalized,,I think the way I was holding the string was putting more pressure on the bottom limb,,it finally settled in, I made the top limb weaker to match it and it was fine,,
the bow shot better with the postive tiller,, on that bow,, I could shoot it with either limb up and did,,but like I said when the tiller settled,,it stayed fine and shot well,, with the bottom limb "looking" a bit stiffer,, at full draw they may have been even,,but when it started shooting well,, I stopped looking at it,,