Author Topic: OK. I think I have a concept here...and thanks much for the suggestions.  (Read 2281 times)

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Offline Todd Mathis

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If anyone wants to use a deer carcass to test these heads...and two people have stepped up and offered to help, I will make and ship you three of these custom made arrows for your bow and I'll ship them to you...Free.  BUT, the bow needs to be powerful enough to truly test these heads, and I need photos and clear information back in a timely manner so I can be sure this product is up to scratch.  Do ya'll think the bow should be at least 40 pounds?  45 pounds?  What would ya'll suggest would be the minimum poundage?  You will have to sharpen the heads yourself...Sorry, but my arthritic wrist tells me I can't do the kind of whetstone repetitive motion that is needed for this many heads.
Lastly,  If anyone wants to do enhanced testing, I can't afford that probably, but I'll send you a set of three to try it if you'll get me photos and info.
Again...thanks for all the suggestions and feedback!

Offline Russ

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Re: OK. I think I have a concept here...and thanks much for the suggestions.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2019, 10:42:47 am »
I would do minimum 40#. Thats normal (base) hunting weight.

Offline Todd Mathis

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Re: OK. I think I have a concept here...and thanks much for the suggestions.
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2019, 03:31:14 pm »