Hah, no offence taken! Yeah, I had a couple of experiments going with that one. I did achieve the look I was after though, if at the expense of practicality. She still shoots alright despite that, and the grip though blocky, sits well in the hand due to the curves for the palm and thumb. To be honest, I'm probably not going to do that type of handle again though.
2019-09-20_07-47-14 by
korey Aitkenhead, on Flickr
I've always used the step through method to string my bows, so a pointy tip has always been the priority, more than a smooth ramp though I think the design on this bow is prone to tip breakage. Won't be doing that again either!
That arrow rest is two whole inches above centre actually! You're absolutely right bownarra, the PT is probably the reason she shoots so well despite this. Once again experimenting. "I'll just put this here.........". D'oh! The horn is hard and the rest is slightly off camber so the arrow wants to fall of it if I don't cant the bow. I can fix that.
I tried to get some more photos of the hollows, but my camera is not working well with the high gloss........
Your comments are not rude or offensive Pearly, and I did ask for opinions. Thank you for your time!

Pat, hmmmm, yep, those edges are a little sharp. I did smooth them. But probably did not round 'em enough. I figured since the back has a slight crown they'd be okay. TBB "radius of a pea". Advice taken........
Anyhows, it's just going to sit on a stand in another corner of my house while my attentions are directed to the next one, and beyond! I am running out of corners. I am thinking of making a bow stand out of bows!
I absolutely nailed that string though huh?!!