Made this one from an old Nicolson USA file. I chose to do an interrupted water quench on this one.
Both the sheath and handle scales came from my neighbors dead Russian olive tree I helpd cut up this past summer. Oil finish on the wood.
I'm not happy with my leather work but this is the first time I've done something like this so it'll do. Rhe The stitching most visible in the second pic was supposed to be hidden behind the sheath. And there's a couple of other things I didn't like.
I had made a sister knife but she snapped while I was trying to take out some warp during a temper cycle. Completely my fault, put too much torque on her. On the positive side, the grain structure was extremely fine and creamy so I think I nailed normalizing and the heat treat soak. Being an unknown alloy there's a little guesswork sometimes on temperature, time, and quench media.