Good thing you were wearing those glasses bassman!
I think you're probably right about that top limb BJ
Yeah Jeff, that is an interesting question. Luckily, whenever one of mine blows, the splinters always fly away from me. Not sure what that says about how I make them, but I've broken my fare share, and that's always the way it goes. In fact, I've probably developed a false assumption that I'm in less danger than I actually am.

All is good M2A

Glad you enjoyed the pics.
That's why I never wear nice pants when I make bows 54.

Me too rps3, otherwise my wife would have made sure I didn't come away unscathed.

Yup Don, got some good laughs looking at these myself. I don't know why my phone takes bursts of photos like that. It used to annoy me, but now I'm glad it does!