Author Topic: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools  (Read 2395 times)

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... alone in distant woods or fields, in unpretending sproutlands or pastures tracked by rabbits, even in a bleak and, to most, cheerless day .... .  I suppose that this value, in my case, is equivalent to what others get by churchgoing & prayer.  Hank Thoreau, 1857

Offline DC

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2019, 08:25:01 am »
Very interesting. Thanks for that. I often wonder how sure archaeologists are of this kind of deducing. It's all speculation to a degree but they must be reasonably sure to publish it. It's sure looking like ol' Otzi was an outcast though.

Offline Mesophilic

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2019, 09:41:20 am »
It's sure looking like ol' Otzi was an outcast though.

One article I read points out that the arrow that bled him...somoene pulled out the shaft as there's  no remaind of it while everything  else  was  fairly well preserved.  The coup de gras was a blunt force trauma to the back of the head.

So was he actually traveling with friends who tried to help him remove the arrow or was he a murder victim  and the perpetrator  didn't want to leave evidence and removed his arrow shaft?  The latter could be also explained by the copper axe being left at the scene.  Had tremendous  value so why leave it? Except that it may implicate  in his death.  I'm sure a friend or fellow traveler would have taken it and anything else useful...of course don't know if they had some culture issues with dead people's property.

I'm fascinated with Otzi and often wonder what he would think of so much of today's interest in his life.  What if someone discovers me in 5K years and spent so much time studying my pocket knife and multi tool...I'd tell them "hey, it's just a pocket knife and a tool...nothing special"
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Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2019, 07:52:59 am »
It's all speculation to a degree but they must be reasonably sure to publish it
they need to publish more than to be sure of their theories. As you pointed out the vast majorities are only conjectures and speculations

The coup de gras was a blunt force trauma to the back of the head.
actually he may have fallen and hit a rock while weakened by the bleeding. The lost of the arrow shaft could be explained in many ways. he may have been able to pull out the shaft by himself

It's sure looking like ol' Otzi was an outcast though.
why do you think so? He was well dressed. his hide coat was made of white and dark goat skins carefully sewed. he had a bear cap and that copper axe. He hate cereals and goat meat
All this lead to think at some organised and social way of life

Offline DC

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2019, 08:20:29 am »
 By outcast I meant that he must have done something that peed off his group and he was being chased.
  I suppose that he could have been a rich trader being pursued by outcasts though. That might fit.

Offline ohma2

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2019, 08:23:23 am »
As DC stated i think they dont know as much as they hike to claim.i know i wont be around to see it but can you imagine whats going to be found as snow and glaicers continue to melt at the rate theyr going ?

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2019, 08:58:36 am »
The engineers best start studying dike building technology!  Inland property will get very expensive! >:D (lol)
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!

Offline Del the cat

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Re: Otzi may have spent his last days repairing his tools
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2019, 01:55:34 am »
I hate the "may"... thing... >:(
Yeah, he "may" have spent his last days trying to get a signal on his phone  ::)
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