Thanks Guys -
Stuckinthemud and DC - Next Bow will be Fatter and Heat treated - (heat treat JUST the belly Right on Hazel )

Bow just finished Now (apart from the string I still gotta make)
- yes seems - i also Love Hazel so might have to start another one now hahahaha this Bow making is addictive , none of the furniture i make is as much fun a table or a chair Practical yes but not fun but Bows well fun..
Hazel yes made some hazel arrows before from smallish shoots or whatever they are called - but this first and NOT last Hazel bow ..
i did cut the leather Handle wrap a little bit short but cant be bothered to use another bit of leather up its still ok ..
few more pics
Used Hot glue to stick on the Arrow rest cut a taper in end of leather (also glue that on with spot of Hot glue)- start wrapping
when get to end i cut taper in other end Make sure correct length (not sure why but i cut to short today ?)
wrapped and then tuck end in with tiny bit glue
- I also added some COW hide with Hair on - i know had arrow Plate but i like the way the bow is protected and arrows slide over the cow hide (hair on and hair in direction of arrow travel) , this stuck on with contact adhesive (spray can , masked of areas dont want glue)