Author Topic: Any epoxies out there that don’t require heat? Also advice on a build idea.  (Read 4634 times)

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Offline ccase39

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Basically I agree with Del, I've used cascamite for laminating and handle-splicing wooden bows for many years, not had one fall apart yet.
The one exception - I had my doubts (maybe unnecessarily) about cascamite with a very oily wood like ipe, so I laminated that with lots of acetone degreasing and Titebond III - I've done a few like that successfully.
Perfect Thanks! I was going to use Titebond III after acetone this time anyway. That was was my next question.
How do those dimensions sound?
They sound OK I think, though I have only done this sort of lamination with ELB's, so not a lot of experience with  risers and fade-outs. I wonder if there's be enough belly lam thickness for tillering near the handle?
Just as a comment - I would feel I was adding mass to the limb unnecessarily with dense wood like ipe for the core? The best ELB I did  a bit like this was an ash core with ipe belly and bamboo back, but I'm sure your combination will be fine. Good luck with it.
I was wondering the same. I think I will glue up the core and back first and see how it feels when I floor tiller. It’s a learning experience more than anything. I may wind up going with a different belly but I had the ipe on hand so it’s a project I’m not really invested in cost wise.
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Offline Hawkdancer

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The clamps are probably in the box that is underneath everything else, where you wouldn't forget what you did with them! (lol)!  Your storage bin sounds like my garage!   Good info about the various epoxies!
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