Author Topic: Anyone ever had deer veal...errrr veniveal?  (Read 6606 times)

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Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Anyone ever had deer veal...errrr veniveal?
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2019, 01:38:20 pm »
I got as surprise one time; I was following a pick-up on a back road after dark when a fawn ran in front of the truck and was hit. The people in the truck were not hunters and wanted to call the game warden. I said I will take care of it, picked up the fawn, threw it in my truck and got ready to drive off. The were saying stuff like we don't want it but you will get in trouble for picking it up  and such, I knew better.

I took the fawn home a cut it up, it had been hit in the head so there was no body damage.

I was expecting great things from this deer but the meat was the toughest, stringiest meat I ever ate. It was late in the season, perhaps the deer was stressed from lack of food but it sure wasn't like other small deer I had eaten in the past.

Sounds like it had a reason to run in front of a truck! ;)
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