Author Topic: Looking for a line on an Osage stave for first self bow  (Read 2830 times)

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Offline ccase39

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Looking for a line on an Osage stave for first self bow
« on: February 01, 2019, 04:33:57 pm »
Hey guys, I have made several board bows but want to try and build my first bow from a stave. I have a couple of staves that are twisted with tight growth rings that need to be straightened. I want to start with something premium first so I have a frame of reference as to what it’s like to work with a good premium stave that’s as idiot proof as possible. Anyone here have any they want to trade?
The Traditional Boyers Bible Vol 1
The Bent Stick

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Offline ajbruggink

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Re: Looking for a line on an Osage stave for first self bow
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2019, 06:38:05 pm »
I have an Osage stave that would be easier to work with. It doesn't need to be straightened, it has thick growth rings, and it is about 70" long. But it is narrow and you would have to go down a bit to chase a ring because of a separation in the growth rings near the top of the stave. Do you have more to offer to trade other than staves that are twisted and have tight growth rings? I don't mean to sound rude or anything, I'm just curious, like some rawhide or some snakeskins? I'm not really interested in any more staves at the moment unless its a white oak stave.

Aaron Bruggink
« Last Edit: February 01, 2019, 06:41:14 pm by ajbruggink »