More on this cursed precarve from hell saga; I ordered a steel front sight to replace the very thin nickel silver one that I couldn't see. I got the order in and filed the new sight down to be just a little taller than the one I removed so I would have a little fine tuning room on the elevation adjustment.

I swabbed the sight with some LMF browning solution and set it outside under my archery target roof to let it brown overnight, it rained all night, perfect.
The next morning I went out to get my hopefully rusty sight for another application of LMF, there was no rust on it. I then realized they had sent me a German silver sight, nothing would make it brown, cold blue had no affect on it as well.
I emailed the company, the nice lady checked the bins and found they didn't have any of these sights in steel, only German silver. She said they had the steel ones on back order for a long time with the foundry that made them. she promptly refunded my money, which was nice.
I have a brass sight I can use, I guess I will darken it with cold blue to get by.
I have been under the weather with various surgical complications but I decided I was going hunting yesterday evening on the new land I was granted permission to hunt even if I hunted within sight of my truck.
I had scouted some before I took a fall that shut down my walking for the last week or so. While scouting noticed some well used deer trails coming around the ridge headed to the pasture so I hobbled 75 yards down hill from the truck and watched these trails. I have a Millennium tree seat that is perfect for ground hunting
I'll be danged, about 4:30 I saw a deer headed around the ridge headed to the trails I was watching. Turned out to be a spike, he stepped out into the open road at about 20 yards, I had my flintlock on my cross sticks cocked and ready to roar but thought, "he sure is small, I don't want to fool with a deer" and let him walk. He had love on his mind (our first rut is around thanksgiving) and was extra stupid, he caught my scent when he was 10 yards from me, looked at me quizzically for a couple of minutes then eased on toward the pasture. I don't wear camo, just mute plaids and grays.
I heard another buck grunt one time on the opposite side of the hollow I was sitting in but could never see him.
Just getting out was tremendously up lifting, I am going back today.