Carpenter: Kinda hard to describe, maybe I can find a picture. I took a peice of copper rod about 1 1/4" in diameter X about 2 1/2" long. I cut a groove around the center of it the size of a 1/8" welding rod. I then brazed a 1/8" welding rod into the metal sheet iron that wraps around the copper rod, which is brazed to the tubing handle.
All that just so the copper can be turned or can spin around inside it's housing - you can use both ends of it all the way around. Reason for that is the copper rolls over around the edge and you want to be able to use it 360 degrees to keep the roll consistant all around - in other words, as the copper wears a little you can keep turning it around and use all sides of it
, make sense?
See that hammer in the background? - that's the one I just described.
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