Author Topic: Four deer hides fleshed  (Read 36043 times)

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #45 on: January 04, 2019, 04:47:16 am »
Looking good BJ, you have inspired me to get some out and get started, I have 5 or 6 in rawhide that just need tanning and 20 or so in the freezer, just been waiting on cool dry weather we usually get in the winter, so far this winter that hasn't happened. ??? I work mostly outside under my shed so wet damp weather sure makes it tough to stretch and get them dry after braining with weather like we have been having, also makes it tough to get the hides in the rack to dry enough to dry scrape. If they aren't really dry and tight it make dry scraping really hard to do a good job. :)
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Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2019, 10:42:42 am »
BJ, ya might be on to something with the sleeping bag thing, not sure how to get all the ticks, keds and other critters out but can ya see yourself waking up with 4 inches of snow on your bag and just shake it off and get up and go. Nice.
Most of the little critters will migrate looking for a new place to live.  A dusting of lindane powder, borax, mothballs,  or similar would probably get the rest.  Could also store the hair in a big cedar box until ready to use(but NOT momma's heirloom cedar chest!).  Maybe smoking the hair would also work.  Hides look good, BJ!
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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #47 on: January 04, 2019, 07:43:23 pm »
That's nice to know Outback. It might be awhile before I can get time to finish them up now.

Pappy, it's nice feeling to have inspired you.  You certainly have inspired me.

Jerry, my dad was watching me dehair the second hide. He was joking around saying what are you going to do with all that hair. Your aren't going to waist it are you. I told him I was going to make a sleeping bag and use it for insulation and give it to him for Christmas. He thought that was funny, but said no thanks.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2019, 07:22:07 am »
There is quite a following and experience using soy lecithin BJ instead of brains.The granulated kind in a health food dept of a large grocery chain store like Hy Vee.2 large spoonfulls in a quart of tap water[not hot].Then left to set for 12 hours to dizzolve.Then 3 quarts more of very warm[not hot] water added with a shot of olive oil.Then the normal stretching/roping process is done like with using brains.They all say with great results.I can't vouch for it but pretty sure it's good stuff producing the same softness as using brains.
Not sure about whether is stays soft in real cold weather like brains will do though.I think it's still just about the same.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 07:26:22 am by BowEd »
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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #49 on: January 11, 2019, 04:45:58 pm »
Thanks Ed. I do have some brains. I'd like to try them first but might go soy lecithin for some if I run out of brains. I haven't been able to talk my wife into letting me borrow her blender. I even told her I'd keep it and she could buy a new one. She doesn't want a new one, she likes her old one. She looked at Goodwill but nothing. I might have to buy a new one but Christmas has my wallet empty.

I did cut the two hides out of the frames and laced two more. I also got three more hides fleshed. I'm sure they'd be ready to dry scrap tomorrow. I've been busy trying to get dead ash trees ready for firewood processor. Sorting out some for lumber. Sure wish I'd of done it six years ago. It would have made much better firewood and lumber then.
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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #50 on: January 11, 2019, 05:06:24 pm »
At rendezvous demonstrations of brain tanning I used to just mush and squeeze brains between my hands in pail after cooking them and letting them cool.Immersed hide then.Worked just as well.5 hides will do a lot of projects.
That old beetle has been hard on your ash.At least you got something out of it.I see ash here yet but many red elm are dead.
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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #51 on: January 11, 2019, 06:10:11 pm »
Thanks again Ed, I'm not afraid to give em a squeeze. I really do want to get back at em. Maybe I can get some time this weekend. Ground is frozen now and no snow so working in woods is going pretty good right now.
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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #52 on: January 13, 2019, 05:36:51 am »
Cool.Striking the iron while it's hot so to speak or getting things done when conditions allow it.I'll do a couple of hides when it gets warmer.Have ideas of making another pants and shirt here myself.Doing 2 maybe 3 a week is plenty for me nowadays.I got more tanned coon hides to make pouches from too.Want to donate at least one at Mo Jam.
A cheap blender to emulsify brains from a thrift store does'nt cost too much.I use mine for everything else too after rinsing it.Robin does'nt
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Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #53 on: January 13, 2019, 06:35:15 am »
Ed, have you ever had blood poisoning from cuts on hands and  bacteria from brains or possible bucking solution? I have had it twice , first time was sewing lots of big holes and going faster than I knew how. Trying to get them sewed up before hide dried out to much. Real small puncture from a #12 needle and then neglecting to make it bleed immediately. Second time was not as bad had a cut on a finger that got a little infected but I got after this one early. I think this could also be one negative of wet scraping. Dirty hides mixed with  warm water and KOH and allowed to set for 3 or 4 days sounds like bacteria to me, Maybe there is enough lye in there to keep bacteria at a minims. Seems that I got infection both times at brain stage, I now make sure and heat brains real well before using. A friend of mine that does and enormous amount of hides cooks his brains and then dehydrates and uses them as a dry powder. Sure doesn't effect his hides they are really nice. Finished 2 hides up this week, one came out real nice and the second one is boardy in spots :( May smoke and do again. Bob

Offline bjrogg

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #54 on: January 13, 2019, 07:00:54 am »
That's good to know Outback. I did have a few little cuts on my fingers. Seems I always have always cuts on my fingers. I did put peroxide on them last night. I brained my big hide yesterday. I tried wringing it a several times. It was really slippery and hard to hold ends. It seemed to absorb most of the solution. I left it in fridge and brains overnight. Hoping to work at it some more today.
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Offline Outbackbob48

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #55 on: January 13, 2019, 07:26:57 am »
BJ, are you making a donut and using  a 3 ft. or so pole to twist up donut good and tight, I have actually ripped some hides that had holes from twisting to tite :( I like to soak hide in warm brains so I don't refridge while soaking( overnite bacteria)  :o Make sure and cover in warmer weather, lots of bugs seem to like warm brains also. Bob

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #56 on: January 13, 2019, 07:44:09 am »
Not sure I understand the doughnut part Outback. I heated the brains to boiling and let simmer for several minutes. Then I brushed on dry hide both sides. When brains were cooled down enough to hold my hand in but still very warm I put in hide in brains. I removed hide and put middle section around fixed object. I wrap ends around stick and hold while I put second stick in center and twisted it. I had trouble holding ends on first stick. I left brains on hide. Maybe I should have kinda squeezed brains out first? Hide was very slippery.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2019, 09:16:43 am »
Outback I just watched a YouTube video. I think I understand the doughnut now.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #58 on: January 13, 2019, 03:13:33 pm »
Bob...I've hav'nt had that type infection happen to me from braining hides with small cuts on my hands and my hands always have nicks on them from skinning/making bows or working around here.I cook my brains till gray.I did once get that infection from running a nail through my foot long ago.Those are serious situations that can need doctors attention.
Robins' son just got it on his hand from a cut.He's a roofer.He let it go too long.Had to stay in hospital 4 days intervenious antibiotic to get on top of it.Doctor cut it open to clean it out too.It's not too uncommon to happen.Punctures or cuts that don't bleed out well are susceptible.I keep hydrogen peroxide handy too.
 After roping enough hides the backside of knuckles will get callused from gripping the leather roping.A band aid is needed sometimes so I don't get any blood on my nice white brain
BJ...A bigger hide like you got there I'd twist and wring it a good 7 to 8 times for sure.Yearling hides usually only take a few wringings.Wring it from length wise and them crosswise.Alternate.Get as much moisture out as possible.Pull it apart stretching it to it's natural shape[really stretching it too/I use the rope for this] I pay close attention to really stretching spine areas/neck/and hip areas before redipping into warm brain slurry.When reemulsivying hide into warm brain slurry squeeze and pull on hide.When you can see small air bubbles coming through hide as you squeeze it's brained good enough.
I let my nose tell  me when a brain slurry is no good to use any more.If used your hide may come out soft but will not smell very good.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2019, 03:22:01 pm by BowEd »
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: Four deer hides fleshed
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2019, 05:04:20 pm »
I did figure out how to make a doughnut. That method worked nicely. Hide wrung multiple times. I rotated the doughnut multiple times re brained. I think hide looks really good. I'm going to sew holes now.
Was hard to get pictures as my hands were pretty slippery, but here's one.
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