Author Topic: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.  (Read 4798 times)

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Offline peacefullymadewarbows

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Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« on: January 08, 2019, 12:49:12 pm »
Hello all! Linked below is an imgur post with the photos of these two staves. The ERC was cut over one year ago, hand split, no twist, no reflex/deflex, has about 36" totally clear space in the middle with pictured big knots off to one side at one end and one smaller knot more center of back about six inches in from that end. I figured this would be a good candidate for a sinew backed pacific northwest bow. I would like to do that someday but not high on my list right now. The locust was harvested over six years ago. I was foolish then and debarked it right away without sealing it. It has dry checks only sapwood deep about 10" long on either end. Heartwood is left alone. Small knots are present  in a couple bulges at either end of the stave but nothing significant. The rings more recently are good sized but the ratio of early to late growth is average at best. Figured it has plenty of length and girth to be any type of flat bow or Victorian ELB someone would want. It's bolt straight, no twist, no sideways bend, or reflex/deflex. There's some rot in the earliest few rings but that will definitely shave out when making the desired bow. Both of these were seasoned in a climate controlled home in the midwest US so should be ready to cut into right away.   

Dimensions (inches)- ERC: 53L x 4W x 3.5D
                               Black Locust: 85.5L x 3W x 3.5D

Wanted for trade: NOT BLACK cow horn tips. Pale or middle brown or even the rare multicolored horn for horn nocks. I've only managed black when looking for genuine cow horn so I have plenty of that in stock.

A long (76" plus) pretty straight yew stave of otherwise thick sapwood and low ring count or just generally pale and low density yew. I happen to have a very specific idea of another long bow I'd like to build that aesthetically fits with some low density yew I've seen used. But any yew obviously would be appreciated just figured better stuff wouldn't be worth what I am offering. Warbow length staves of any other species are welcome for offer. I love trying to make warbows from woods I can't normally access. And if you have anything else longbow related please don't hesitate to PM me. You may surprise me with something I never knew I needed!

Sorry for how wordy I am and thanks for looking!

Offline dylanholderman

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Re: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2019, 08:44:49 am »
What are you considering warbow length?
I might have something different for you to try.
I could also make a knife for you, (I make fixed blades and recently I started making pocket knives too)

Offline peacefullymadewarbows

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Re: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2019, 11:25:19 am »
At least 75 inches long I think would do it for most species. Do you make something large enough I could use for bush whacking like a machete? Like a nice multipurpose blade? That is one bladed item I've been interested in for awhile. Thank you for your reply!

Offline dylanholderman

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Re: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2019, 09:31:35 pm »
i've made some largish choppers before the biggest is the osage handled one here, it has a 11-1/2'' blade.

Offline dylanholderman

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Re: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2019, 09:41:42 pm »
a couple more the one with the cruddy blade is actually the one i use most often for roughing out bow staves.

Offline peacefullymadewarbows

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Re: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2019, 09:25:22 am »
Yes! Like that exactly. Some thing that can act like a knife and then can turn around and rough out a stave like a hatchet. I especially like the blade shape of the second pictured, the curved one. If you think that is fair then I would be interested. I understand if not sense you'd have to put in work and I'm just simply sending staves.

Offline dylanholderman

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Re: Black locust stave and ERC stave up for trade.
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2019, 05:03:27 pm »
PM'ed you  ;)