sometimes when a bow is inside in the heat, the moisure content is getting dangerously low...I had a sinew backed pecan blow up,, I measured the moisure,, it was below 6 %,, I had it in the warmest room,, where there was a heater,, i had shot it all summer,, but it blew up in the winter conditions,, of course it was cold outside when I shot it,, but I dont think it was the cold,,not saying cold doesnt effect some woods,, my friend Jim Welch shot his bows in below freezing,, below 0 ,, no ill effect,, then again,, a bow thats a bit overbuilt gonna hold up better,, if its on the edge of design, cold or moisture content gonna be more of a consideration,,I am inspired to try a long bow, the ones I made in the past had no heat treating,, so want to see what I can with that design,, should be fun,,