Found a box of knives I never got around to finishing. Found new homes for these two factory seconds. I stamp rhe steel flavor on the tang, but after sitting in a box for a long time I've lost track. Both are just belt finished, my shoulder gives me issues if I spend too much time hand sanding.
Carbon steel, most likely 1084, 59-60 HRC, heat treated by Peters. Bocote and Paduak handle with red liners. 4.5 inch cutting length, ground to a zero bevel then shsrpened to 20° per side.
This one might be 52100 carbon steel, 59-60 HRC, also heat treated by Peters. Bocote handle with green and black liners. (Edit)
SaberFlat ground and then sharpened to 20° per side. I was trying something different with the center pin and did sort of a hidden pin then filled it with epoxy and ground up charcoal, not really caring for the result.
Shot of the liners