If drawn another say 3" the string would lift off and effectively lengthen, lowering the draw weight like the "let off" on a compound.
Imagine you bound the string so that it couldn't lift, if you draw another 3" the tips would pull back say another 1". If the string is allowed to unwind off the epoxy that will let the string come back further... so for your 3" of extra draw the tips would only be coming back maybe 0.75" .
So what does that mean?
At 3" extra draw, as the sting unwinds the pounds per inch of draw weigh is less (let off) and there is less strain on the bow that there would have been without the epoxy cams.
Another way to look at it.... you are suddenly putting an extra few inches of slack into the string, so it draws further.
In terms of performance, this will give a slightly more gentle acceleration over the first few inches of the loose, which should give less arrow flex and less wasted energy.
All the above is just my understanding of it, I'm happy to be shown to be wrong... terms and conditions apply etc etc
