I live in the desert too,,
maybe let the bow cure in the environment it will be shot in,, I am just guessing,,
I was thinking also,, taking some bundles and glueing seperate ones to a board,, then coating one with acrylic,, one with true oil,, one with tung oil,, one with varathane,, lettiing them cure then pealing them off to see what happens,,
I have spayed varathane on the sinew,, then painted with acrylic, thinking the varathane would keep some of the moisture out,,
I have tried lots of different things ,, trying to figure whats best to put on sinew,, and still experimenting,,

I think if you gonna paint with a water base ,, maybe do it sooner than later so it does not induce moisture into the sinew,, but will just cure as the sinew is curing,,, I am just spit balling too,, that being said I have had bows,, change tiller for no reason I could figure out,,and sometimes I think a sinew bow is slow to reveal its true self,,