Thanks for all the input fellas.
DC, it's pulling 45# @ 27" which is full draw for me. It's a little less weight than I was shooting for so I'm glad to hear the tiller looks okay to everyone.
I have made plenty of mistakes and had lots of failures with this design BJ, so if I can be of any help it'll be advice on what not to do!

Pearly and Ben (amongst many others) know a ton and have helped me a lot.
Ben, at first it wasn't easy to brace with all the early draw weight. It's not so bad now. That early draw weight can be deceiving, which has lead to a few coming out dramatically underweight.
I've looked at that bottom limb quite a bit TimBo and I think I've decided that if it is straightening out a bit more than the top I'm willing to accept it.
I'd like to see that too DC.