Just ended watching the season
overall a good entertainment with some remark
As other noted in this season there were too many situations where hunting or fishing limitations were evident and strident with the spirit of the challenge.
Also while big predators sure rise the level of the show, they are a little too big random and unfair element in a contest in my opinion.
Should you stumble in an aggressive bear in your first days you would have no chance to safely deal with it.
For this reason I dont like too much the idea of very dense bears populated area (not to speak of naked and afraid africa locations)-
Dont get me wrong, I dont say they should be deployed in a city park. I wont select on purpose heavy populated grizzly bears areas.
Another thing I'd really like is to see more of the footage discarded in the video editing. I bet other would love it, Even pretty boring stuff could be interesting and shed light on the participant character.
And in a digital era this could be very easy to do and maybe even profitable for history channel
just a curiosity. there are scenes with a man moving in the woods with a rifle. do you know what was about?
Apparently history channel is accepting applications for season 9 so more to come.