Author Topic: I don't know what to do!!??  (Read 5400 times)

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Offline trail walker

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2018, 09:58:34 am »
Was the juniper backed?
 No, it was not. I wanted to try doing it after I had a good tiller out to like 18'' of draw.

Was the tiller done right?
 I got lucky and found a piece of knot free 44-inch juniper. and I was shooting for a light bow, so I was trying to take it slow and get good bend through it. after It was bending easily over my knee I strung it. I was pulling on it a little just to see where to take off more wood, I got it back to about fourteen or fifteen inches and it blew up. So I could have been off with the tillering but I was doing my bestist. :P

Were the bows laid out in accordance with the woods strengths and weakness'?
 I have been going for a plains ish style bows, I have been keeping them about 1 1/4'' wide and like 1/2'' at the nocks with as much length as it will give me. So, I think so, but I could be a loonie tick. :P

Offline stickbowbeard

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #16 on: May 01, 2018, 10:41:27 am »
Hi Trail Walker.

I'm originally from Castle Dale.  Graduated from Emery High in '97.  Haven't been back to Emery County for years, but I still have some family living there.  My nephew lives out there, and apparently is really into Mtn. Lion hunting, so I've been wanting to get back there and get him to take me out one of these winters.  It's amazing who you'll run into on these forums. 

Well, I'm definitely familiar with the climate out there, but all my bow-building experience has been in Pennsylvania, and more recently, in Houston.  I have the opposite problem here in Houston, so I'll defer to the advice of others to answer your questions.  And I'll listen to their every word, because eventually I want to make the move back home.  What I will say, is that Hickory is a great wood to work with.  I've made a few hickory bows, mostly from boards, but I do have one from a stave.  It's a great wood for a beginner, because as others have hinted at, it's difficult to break.  One of my first bows was a bamboo-backed hickory, which only cost me maybe $30 for the materials, and is still one of my favorite bows.

The only other thing I can add is just don't give up.  Once you get that good bow, and then get out and get that first harvest with your own hand-made bow, it's the most rewarding experience ever!  I'm going on 3 years into this hobby, and have turned out some good bows, but I'm still learning.  Just this last weekend I totally messed up a beautiful sinew-backed Osage bow because I got in too much of a hurry when tillering and created a hinge.  By the time I got it worked out, the draw weight was in the 20's.  I may have even cried a little, but I won't admit it.  My first two bows broke.  One of them I was actually shooting well and decided to take it hunting.  It exploded gloriously in my tree stand.  I understand the frustration, but persevere, take the good advice everyone is giving you in here, and I bet the next bow turns out beautifully, and then you'll be hopelessly addicted like the rest of us. 



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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #17 on: May 01, 2018, 10:49:37 am »
Asking 44" of unbacked juniper to pull 18" is a no-no. That is part of why that one broke. Your layout sounds about right, with 2-3 courses of sinew. I have no idea your experience level, but I would suggest, as other have, you start with a 65-67" flat bow and then work your way back to short, stressed designs.
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Offline willie

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2018, 10:55:59 am »
Bayou Ben, that is pretty sweet! sounds like what I need.

quite a bit of bend on that bow in the pic. Are you thinking you need hickory? or a little bayou humidity?

Offline Bayou Ben

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2018, 11:14:51 am »
Are you thinking you need hickory? or a little bayou humidity?

lol.  I've broken more than I like to remember and I've had my share of explosions in that humid garage, but never with hickory...

Offline trail walker

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2018, 01:27:03 pm »
Stickbowbeard,that is so crazy that you are from Emery county! It really a small world! I will stick with the bows, I am thouroly addicted to arrow making and flint snapping all I am missing is a hand made fliperstick! and I'm graduating in like 3 weeks so ya! Keep in touch.
Pearl Drums, I genus that I have a place to start now. I have like not allot of experience.  ;D
Willi, I think I could use bolth! ;D but I think I'll start with the hickory.

Offline BowEd

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2018, 06:17:19 pm »
Tailwalker....Are'nt you the one that was trying to tan that big old cow hide?How did that all turn out?
I tell you what I usually get myself some nice gun barrel straight hickory staves some springs here.This spring I am.I'd be glad to trade you one for a nice juniper stave.The longer the better though.The hickory staves can be any length you want.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2018, 07:18:51 pm »
That's him Ed. Good on you I'd really like to see him get a shooter.

Trailwalker like Pearl said, 44" is really short 64 would better 66 even. You could shorten it up if you bend evenly over the whole bow including handle.
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Offline upstatenybowyer

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2018, 07:52:16 pm »
Don't give up! I am not exaggerating when I say I failed at least 100 times before I got a shooter. Granted, I did no research whatsoever until #80 or so, but eventually I got it, and you will too.

Weylin is absolutely right about the hickory. Make sure you get a stave. Best of luck.  :)
"Even as the archer loves the arrow that flies, so too he loves the bow that remains constant in his hands."

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Offline trail walker

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2018, 08:01:08 pm »
BowEd I would love to trade wood with you! The other  day I cut a juniper Stave that looks like it would work pretty good. It's got some reflex in it though. And maybe a couple night knots on the edge. I might go bow Stave hunting see if I can find a better one.

And thanks bjrogg, I will try some longer woods. It has been my dream to have a short Plaines now like the Ute Indians that used to live in me area. It looks like I need some longer experience first.
Thanks upstatenybower I will keep plugin along.

I will post some pictures of that cow hide tonight to. :)

Offline Springbuck

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2018, 11:02:27 pm »
I, too live i Utah, and I'd be glad to help you find some wood, and work with you if we get the chance.  But, I live near SLC, so......

  My first thought is your woods.  Water birch is dismal, and juniper almost always needs a backing.  Scrub oak, and canyon maple are pretty good.  Chokecherry is good.  Look also for elm and ash near rivers. 

Contact me if you head up this way, and I'll get you some elm and stuff to start on.

Offline Bryce

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2018, 02:15:08 am »
I, too live i Utah, and I'd be glad to help you find some wood, and work with you if we get the chance.  But, I live near SLC, so......

  My first thought is your woods.  Water birch is dismal, and juniper almost always needs a backing.  Scrub oak, and canyon maple are pretty good.  Chokecherry is good.  Look also for elm and ash near rivers. 

Contact me if you head up this way, and I'll get you some elm and stuff to start on.

Scrub oak is good stuff!
Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline Stick Bender

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #27 on: May 04, 2018, 03:40:36 am »
The shortest hickory native style bow I have made out of hickory is 62 in. But drawn to 30 in. & sinewed it ended up being a nice smooth bow hunted with it a couple years back , hickory is great bow wood
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Offline trail walker

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #28 on: May 04, 2018, 10:27:04 am »
 Stick Bender that hickory bow is like almost my dream bow!

Springbuck and Bryce, is scrub oak really that good?

Offline trail walker

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Re: I don't know what to do!!??
« Reply #29 on: May 04, 2018, 10:33:24 am »
You will have a high probability of success with that plan and you can get some confidence and enthusiasm back and have a bow to shoot. Then you can take your time and figure out your local woods a little better. I'd talk to Chuck Loeffler about Utah bow woods. He lives there and makes amazing bows. Good luck.

I think I have decided to get my hands on some hickory. And yes Chuck Loeffler makes awesome bows. I found his website "Hart wood bows" before I found this forum, and I am pretty sure I was I was drooling all over the computer. (lol) ::)