Hello guys, been following this thread while building my latest bow. The previous bows ive built I used a hard wood cradle and tillered using a yard stick to measure and get them perfectly symmetrical, that's all I knew to do. All of them felt balanced in the hand but three more so than others and they shot better, blind luck. With this one I didn't want to rely on luck so I changed it up.
This cradle will pivot if one limb is stronger even by a fraction and because the strap (old work belt) is about the same size as the area of my hand I grip with it worked out ok. I put it in the strap and placed three fingers were they should be during the draw, if it tilted to one side I removed it and drew the bow and could feel the out of balance (barley). Then I just added a few extra full length scrapes when removing flat spots or what ever from that limb.
I didn't use a pulley and rope, but if you did this set up may well indicate good balance while looking at tiller? As already said nothing replicates the bow in hand, but this helped me to get a good start toward good balance right away as opposed to tillering it symmetrical and then playing catch up later on when it felt crappy in my hand but looked good on the tree.
Don't know if this helped any one but you guys sure helped me. This one came out feeling great in the hand, maybe still some luck involved but I don't believe it was blind luck.
Thanks guys.