Author Topic: New to the forum/Seeking knowledge  (Read 8405 times)

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Re: New to the forum/Seeking knowledge
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2018, 07:24:43 am »
Cant find them all but maby you can get the basic idea. You can start tapering the belly side of the riser at the 4 inch handle mark  into the fades,  then I remarked two lines the width of the handle down that taper and a line along the side just under the glue line. Then rasped away the wood in between if that make sense, it gives a smoother transition. My first few bows didn't snap but they took lots of set in that area. I read in a post some where a guy said if you put a board in a vice then pull from the top until it breaks it will almost always break at or very close to were its clamped into the vice. Made sense to me. Probably much better info on here some where, I was following the advice of the pros when I was making this one. Hope it helps.

Red Oak its the gateway wood!

Offline Ben.Kellerman

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Re: New to the forum/Seeking knowledge
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2018, 04:34:56 pm »
Well...I was trying to cling on to my poor first bow, and I thought that since it just seemed to be cracked on the surface I might be able to re-tiller and drop the draw weight and save it.  Here's the crack still glaring at me at 30# 28" draw.


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Re: New to the forum/Seeking knowledge
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2018, 05:33:03 pm »
Yea I don't think you could ever trust it now. But hang it on the wall of you're shop like I did it will be an inspiration for ya.
Red Oak its the gateway wood!

Offline M2A

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Re: New to the forum/Seeking knowledge
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2018, 05:50:44 pm »
That's too bad. But on the bright side, you can roll your experience right into making your next one :)