Back when you could get the old Urac I fixed a bow that had a joist fall on it during a house fire. It was busted all to pieces lidderly, Urac and sinew brought it back to life. As far as i know this bow is still shooting.
All the lines you see in the picture are urac filled cracks that were gaped open on the break, this bow was bamboo backed as well.

Never give up, it is worth a try just to see if you can fix it. My guess would be no but I would try anyway.
More back story on the bow; I made it for a guy who put the hardwood flooring in my house as a thank you bow for putting laminate in my utility room on his own time a finishing up around midnight. He wouldn't take payment for his work so I made him a bow.
He took to trad archery like a duck to water, killed a deer with the bow and according to him could hit anything out to 35 yards.
He started feeling sick, losing his balance and getting progressively worse over time. Testing showed he had a high level of arsenic in his body. He came to find out his wife was having an affair with guy who had a business behind his and had been poisoning him. The house fire was suspicious as well, when he divorced her and got to keep his new house, it mysteriously caught fire.
When the bow was broken in the fire he brought it to me, told me how much he loved it as asked if there was anyway I could fix it, so I tried and it came out OK.
Last I heard from him he was having his ex wife charged with attempted murder. He had sustained permanent neurological damage from the arsenic and couldn't run his flooring business anymore and it folded, sad story