Author Topic: Looking for a seasoned hickory stave  (Read 3401 times)

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Offline Ezra Knight

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Looking for a seasoned hickory stave
« on: November 30, 2017, 05:15:32 pm »
I have a few pieces of hickory that are still far too wet. I recently bought a piece of seasoned off of E**y and the seller said it was already on one growth ring, but it was not and it also had a lot of ant damage, so it’s probably not gonna workout. It was going to be a bow for my cousin. Not sure what I have to trade off the top of my head, but I have some Osage that’s almost done seasoning. I might have some primary turkey feathers, not sure though. I have a lot of arrows that the shafts can be salvaged from. They’re from my early days, but they’re mostly 30+ inch POC. They just need the old feathers removed. I’ll look around and see what else I have

Offline Greenriverwoodcraft

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Re: Looking for a seasoned hickory stave
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2017, 07:12:13 pm »
I have some really nice seasoned hickory, Three years now as a matter of fact.  I could use some Osage if you up for a trade.

Offline Ezra Knight

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Re: Looking for a seasoned hickory stave
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2017, 06:42:51 pm »
I’d be down for a trade. The Osage I have is nearly seasoned. I think they were all around 12% moisture level the last time I checked. I’d need to check again. I have multiple Osage staves. Are your hickory staves on one growth ring?

Offline High-Desert

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Re: Looking for a seasoned hickory stave
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2017, 11:57:46 am »
The hickory staves I received from Greenriver were about as good as they get.

Offline Greenriverwoodcraft

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Re: Looking for a seasoned hickory stave
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2017, 08:31:48 pm »
Hey Ezra

I was stripping bark off some of my hickory staves and I saw that somehow worms got under the bark and that first growth ring is garbage now.  I made the mistake of cleaning out my shop and storing them under a tarp for a couple months and then in a shed and somehow even though these were dry as a bone and seasoned for 3 years worms got into them.  They are still usable but you will have to chase a ring, and these rings are tiny so thats not going to be easy.  I am thinking I am going to just have to get rid of the damage and then back them with rawhide or something to get them to work. 

Thanks for the kind words High Desert, I am cutting this trees brother down this winter, its literally growing 5 feet from this one, so if you need any in the future keep me in mind.