Yes, it's 6" brace. Reflex is almost gone too. What do you think how much wood will this bow loose till it gets to 100 at 28". Just so I know the estimate, are we talking about millimeters here or scrapings?
Yes, Del, it's radically different feel when you have non stretchy stringer and non stretchy string. What a feeling to finally see this bow braced! I must now go slowly, tomorrow I will try photographing the bow so I can put it on computer to see better bend and where to scrape.
I learned so much from my errors on this bow. Definitively I am going much wiser to the next longbow projects. But the biggest thing is still estimating at beginning how thick to leave staves so I don't have over excessive wood removal to get to target weight. It's obvious that I underestimated initial thickness of this bow and that is why I have such strong wood. Also there was this "hazel is soft wood" theory at the back of my head during shaping. "Oh, it's hazel, make it much thicker!" Yeah sure, do that and feel pain hahaha.