Author Topic: ylee coyote  (Read 4522 times)

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Offline bjrogg

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ylee coyote
« on: October 18, 2017, 10:10:23 pm »
This afternoon we were combining soybeans. I had the empty trucks in the field already. The neighbors had a corn field next to ours. The west fence row of our soybean field has a row of pine trees we planted about 25 years ago. The deer like to hang out in the corner of our soybean field towards evening. I decided to brace my bow. Grabbed my mink quiver and stone point hunting arrows and headed for that corner. When I got there I found a sprayer track out of the nieghbors corn field. The deer always prefer walking down the sprayer tracks. The wind was SSW so I walked back east about 13 yards to a thin spot in the edge of the corn a stood there. I didn't have real high expectations but figured I had a better chance than leaving my bow unstrung in the shop. After about two hours my brother was starting to have some trouble and stopped the combine to clear some leaves that where starting to drag as the dew started to come on. Suddenly I heard the corn rattling and then it was like an explosion. It worked almost just like I'd planned. A large doe exploded out of the sprayer track rows with absolute fear in her eyes. She ran past me at about 10 yards and I started to draw. I decided not to shoot wondering why she was so scared. I was sure she never saw or smelled me. Then as what I at first thought was a fawn about 8 yards behind her pasted me I realized it wasn't a fawn but a very large coyote right on her tail. This all happened in about 2 seconds. They ran east past me but then the doe turned back north west and the coyote followed right behind. When the coyote was about 20 yards I barked to try to stop it. I didn't even hear me it just kept right after the doe. I drew and shoot but missed it by a good foot or more. They both ran north and I don't think either one knew I was there. My brother was standing by combine and didn't see any of it. He had to quit and parked the combine. Now it was quite. It was starting to get almost to dark to shoot when again I heard something. A fawn came out the same sprayer track but I decided to pass and let her walk. About a minute later a small coyote came right on its tracks. It was getting dark and hard to see but I let my arrow go. It looked like it hit the coyote but it must have just missed it. The coyote turned around and ran back in the corn. I went out and found my arrow no blood but it had to be very close. Man I have always wanted to do that. It was a trip. Two different coyotes both in range.
I wanna do that again
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Offline chamookman

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2017, 02:48:02 am »
Whoa - That's some action ! Keep after those 'Yotes  :OK ! Bob
"May the Gods give Us the strength to draw the string to the cheek, the arrow to the barb and loose the flying shaft, so long as life may last." Saxon Pope - 1923.

Offline Pappy

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2017, 03:22:25 am »
Sounds like a great time, yep they need killing or sounds like they at very least need thinning out a bit. ;) :) I have killed 2 with my bow over the years and have had many in range but they are about as tough an animal to get a good shot off at that I know of, tougher than Turkey. ;)
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Offline StickMark

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2017, 06:15:46 am »
missed a coyote, same coyote twice.  My ex wife said "you must have not wanted to kill the coyote."  her explanation works for me.

Offline bjrogg

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2017, 06:32:43 am »
Yup Bob that's about as fast of action as I can handle. We will keep after them. Lots of canine around this year.
Pappy your right they need some thinning out. The past two winters we haven't had much snow. Really effects the coyote hunting.
Stickmark. I just have to remember the exact center of a coyotes vitals is exactly the same size as the exact center of a beach ball
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Offline BowEd

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2017, 09:18:17 am »
That got the blood going heh???You sure grab every opportunity to hunt.Hunting while your wagons or trucks are being filled.Good idea too!!!Lots of distractions out there.I've only seen 1 coyote so far but too far away.Brian my neighbor runs the crap out of them with his running dogs.They catch em quite often.Sometimes I get one with my model 700 .223 remington.They're way too thick here too.
Just got in here.Things were crazy in the stand this morning here.New larger bucks coming around.
I got a friend who used bamboo backed bows in standing corn fields in NW Iowa.He would sit on a T seat with his bow straight up and down in the row by the edge.The back of the bow would look like a corn stalk.Quite a guy.He would set teddy bears out in the woods and shoot squirrels who came to investigate them from the ground too.
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Offline bjrogg

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2017, 02:04:59 pm »
Yup sure got the blood going. Gotta admit I was more shooting at a coyote than a spot on a coyote. Not sure it would have made much difference cause it was really hauling a$$. The second one wasn't moving as fast but hard to see.
Yes Ed there's at least four groups of guys I know that hunt them with dogs in the winter. They usually get around 100 each. Then a group that just tracks em down without dogs. Believe it or not they usually get about 40. They are really good hunters and know where the coyotes will usually go. I'm in a small group that mostly just goes after fox or coyotes that we spot. It really helps all of us to have tracking snow. The past two years everyone has gotten about half of normal mostly because of no snow.
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Offline BowEd

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Re: ylee coyote
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2017, 11:18:27 am »
Yea that's a slue of dead coyotes.I don't think they hit hem quite that hard around here,but it seems people here trap the living crap out of coon and everything else the critters come back.With these low fur prices these days things can get out of control a little.Seems the mange a lot of times gets these coyotes here if they get too many too especially through the warmer times of year.
Like said the warmer snowless winters have there upsides and downsides.
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