When I started making bows a few years back, my first (successful) bow was a composite and according to all my research it shot 55lb at my draw length of 28 inches. It has quite a thick handle (about 2 inches or so) as I wasn't sure how much strain I was putting on it.
Jump ahead a few years and now I have bows that range in thickness from 8mm or 3/8 (spotted gum ) up through a 1 inch osage to the original of just on 2 inch. (depth that is but about 20mm thick.
So if I measure my draw length on a bow it changes every time. And I assume minor changes in weight?
It was driving me nuts the other day when I measured my latest and it was different. I am ridiculously pedantic and i had the wife out there measuring then both daughters. Till I gave up and used the arms together method and settled on 26.5 inches.
I don't think it makes that much difference . Or does it?