For those of you who grow your own shitake mushrooms and know what you're doing this will come as no surprise.
In the spring of last year I inoculated a fresh cut American Beech log w/ spores and sealed up the plugs w/ beeswax. The catalogue I bought the spores from said to wait a year and the mushrooms should start to grow.
Well, this spring I anxiously awaited a huge flush of delicious mushrooms

and alas, nothing!

I kept waiting only to remain disappointed.

Then, we ran into one of my wife's childhood friends who grows shitakes and she told me where I went wrong.
She said you have to soak the log in water for 24 hrs to trigger mushroom growth.

So I did, and eureka!!!!
Can't wait to dehydrate a bunch and send them in my Christmas trade victim's goody box!