I saw a horse of this design in an old video on YouTube of a French bowyer making and English longbow. The, in the Dec 15 issue of PA, there was an article about them, inspired by one seen in Belgium (I think, or maybe Denmark). So, after hemming and hawing, and tired of sweating in the upstairs loft at my more traditional shaving horse, I broke down and put one together. It didn't take too long, once I got the leg angles and lengths right. A 2x6, 2x4 some dowels for the legs and rope. I used a brace and bits to drill the holes. I have used it a bit with a spokeshave and rasps and it is holding well so far. I will be roughing out some elm staves this weekend, we'll see how it holds up under rough use. It folds up nice, and the legs pull out. It can also be set up about anywhere you can anchor the lower end. I have the edge shoved under a 2x4 on the garage wall, or under the tire of the truck. I am going to put a cleat of some type near the botom so I can ratchet strap it to a tree.
