But my name is Jim. I live in s.jersey. I have worked as an avocational archaeologist doing units (5x5s) with state guys and contract archaeologists. I am pushing 60, and have had spine surgery in 2011 that left me using 2 canes. So...I was always interested in making my own lithic tools, so I started watching u tube, all the vids I could. bought some copper tools. then made my own from my whitetail antlers and bones. So far I've lost my thumbnail, have a large lump on the base of my thumb from missing the stones, been yelled at by my wife for pieces for glass,chert,jasper in her feet. I ordered some rock of the net. some are easy, the most damage/stacking/stepping and waste is with that darn keokuk

. I cant seem to use an Ishi stick properly, i have better luck with the bone and antler for some reason. Hammerstones are awesome. After making a couple of points from different rock, I am sooo addicted to knapping. My uncle was a professor of geology in Tenn. ,and he always gave me his old rock collections. So I'm a rock hound, I shoot a longbow made by a fellow who used to work for Howard Hill years ago. Been hunting and fishing since I was 6. I also trap critters in the winter if I can get a good snare line out. Well. that's enough, here are a few pics of what i made so far... thanks for reading.