Clearly the voluntary input that has gone into this magazine/forum would be hard to calculate. Pat's contribution as well as many others has been immense and largely unnoticed. He mentioned two categories, but I'm sure there are dozens of other categories that one could identify where folks have stepped up for the good of the cause to see the magazine succeed and this community to thrive! We all have benefited from Primitive Archer's generosity to host this community blog so it stands to reason that we should chip in, however we can, to see it last.
However, we have turned away from my original intent (purposely I suppose) to ignore the real underlying concern. Eddie holds a black list that names scores of "No Deal" customers. Why do we have such a list if we are all so generous minded that we are fine with giving our time and resources freely? Is it just that we are only generous with certain folks and those that don't make the cut are ostracized? Or is our largesse best premeditated? "Here, you may have this - please don't give me anything in return." If such is true, what happens when stipulations are made? "This for that" is as common on this site as yellow dust and I challenge any of you to go 3 deals without "that" and watch your open handedness not take a hit. These contract deals are what runs our trade blanket and that same expectation of fair play is what the free world was founded on.
I may not be as philanthropic as some on here, but I do try to be always generous minded. But when a deal has been made there is a reasonable expectation that it will be fulfilled.