Author Topic: Putting price tag on your creations?  (Read 6089 times)

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Offline FilipT

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2017, 02:27:54 am »
Of course they will be backed with guarantee. But, first I plan to sell one used bow that behaves well after couple of hundred of arrows. Then I will see further about maybe doing custom bows.

The thing is there is no market for people like me. Those who do archery, do it Olympic style. So there is no traditional archery present with people using self bows.
Only thing I can remember is this medieval reenacting archery group from my city, but I see they order all their bows from the internet, also using fiberglass for the 15th century battle reenacting (???). They are completely ridiculous and I had bad experiences with them at first with couple of their senior members telling me that you cannot make bow at home and stuff like that.

Offline Pappy

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2017, 06:15:26 am »
I don't sell very many, mostly gift them to someone I want to have it, but when I do sell one it goes pretty high, [ in my mind] 4 to 5 hundred at least. It is usually someone I really don't plan on gifting one to and they worry me until I agree, so I price it high hoping they won't want it, problem is they usually do. ;) :-\
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2017, 08:08:41 am »
Pat has a valid point; I have seen fledgling bowyers get stars in their eyes and sell a junk bow for an exorbitant price so some sucker with little knowledge of archery and wood bows.

Post some pictures of your bows and your craftsmanship.

Offline FilipT

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2017, 08:57:11 am »
This is last one I put here:,58467.msg809594.html#msg809594

Bow I plan to sell is on Paleo Planet website

Offline GlisGlis

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2017, 11:36:43 am »
In my opinion a generic online shop is not a good option for a custom product unless you're planning to sell at very low cost.
The chances you will find someone that really understand (the value of) what you are selling are slim
At least make yoursef a dedicated site (there are many easy and cheap ecommerce solutions even for non experts) with lot of informations and have a professional look


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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2017, 11:38:36 am »
Pat has a valid point; I have seen fledgling bowyers get stars in their eyes and sell a junk bow for an exorbitant price so some sucker with little knowledge of archery and wood bows.

Post some pictures of your bows and your craftsmanship.

And that's a HUGE peeve of mine. All that accomplishes is added fear amongst those who don't know self bows. They buy a piece of junk on-line and assume that's what self bows are.   

If you haven't made at least 50 rock solid, proven bows, I would wait to sell anything. You have to have plenty of history behind your bows to know how good they really are. Thousands and thousands of shots tell the real story.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline willie

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2017, 12:44:59 pm »
Pat has a valid point;

yes he does, but it is also a bit off topic from an objective question about pricing, and leading into a more personal question, perhaps better asked by PM. 
« Last Edit: May 15, 2017, 03:57:58 pm by willie »

Offline BowEd

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2017, 01:15:32 pm »
Pricing is related to durability and service.Diversity of designs is too,and you hav'nt even got into the insurance part yet either.Which is related too.All these things go into it as far as a business proposition goes which is what pricing is all about.Without the be aware of advice this would'nt be called a teaching site.Looking out for our own.
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Offline amateurhour

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2017, 01:33:27 pm »
I've designed a couple of sites for bowyers. One of them used to post here.

Did you say you're not in the US? If so that may hurt some of your business because it'll be more trouble than it's worth shipping out of country as bows require some serious packaging and insurance if you're shipping to the US or Canada.

You've got it right on the testing part. The two people I helped out with their sites both made sure to fire their bows 100 times before shipping.

As for cost, I've always been a fan of the "take your wage/hr and multiply it by how many hours it takes to make a bow, then add 15% for shipping and insurance.

Also you'll need to look into an LLC or something similar and insurance on your bows should they blow up and hurt someone, or you'll have to have a disclaimer that's agreed to by the purchaser stating you're not liable for any damage other than repair of the bow itself.

Just my .02

Offline FilipT

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2017, 02:03:28 pm »
Again very good advice. For now I just plan to sell my used bow that had hundreds of arrows through it and it didn't lose much poundage or got set. I will say that its used bow, I am not going to pretend its come just out of the shop. That bow will hold out and its completely secure.

As for custom making, websites, marketing and shipping outside Croatia, that is something for a far future!

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2017, 02:17:40 pm »
Ask yourself, "what can I afford to pay for the bow, and of course, back it with a guarantee.  Can another student afford one of my bows?"   Many of us have been in the broke student mode at various times so we know that part of the situation.  The difference in economies is important to consider.

Guarantee, yep, those are the words I distain. Can the customer assure you with any accuracy they won't, didn't, and never allow their "friends" to draw the bow built for them to be drawn only by them? You assume liability for people, even people that were never intended to draw the bow you made specifically for that customer. I have lived this! 27 inch draw bow given to a guy that overdrew the bow considerably by a friend. Lucky not to get sued, never again! That's the reason large companies moved on to glass.

If you are using ALL natural materials, the best bowyer can have failures. There is no way you can guarantee natural products, I know people do, but they take major liability concerns that go along with it. The ability of the bowyer without doubt should be judged by the consumer. The consumer should also educate themselves on the basics of all natural bows well before picking their bowyer of choice. Obviously the bowyer should have talent, but the consumer should bring knowledge to the table and pick flaws before a purchase. My opinion.
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Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2017, 03:08:46 pm »
OK, I will be straight forward; The bow in your picture has a hinge in the top limb and is not bending out of the same limb's fade very much.  Your general workmanship is very good but tillering is everything on a bow you plan to sell.

I wouldn't sell a bow like that until these problems were corrected.

I made 40 bows before I sold the first one.

Offline FilipT

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2017, 01:37:32 am »
OK, I will be straight forward; The bow in your picture has a hinge in the top limb and is not bending out of the same limb's fade very much.  Your general workmanship is very good but tillering is everything on a bow you plan to sell.

I wouldn't sell a bow like that until these problems were corrected.

I made 40 bows before I sold the first one.

I wouldn't too, I am aware of its errors.

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: Putting price tag on your creations?
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2017, 01:48:54 am »
I should have added "and a disclaimer" to insure CYOA.  Normal useage and all that. Good legal "stuff"
It does seem like anything that happens nowadays is always some one else's fault, but people forget there is no protection against dumb attacks.  Maybe, we shouldn't sell anything we wouldn't give to our worst enemy who is a lawyer!
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