Hi guys,
Last spring I was given a quantity of really not very good apple staves, but apple is too useful to turn down. Anyway, I thought this one might be good to practice straightening techniques on (this is the sister the splinter came off - when the stress released the bends actually increased in size.

turns out apple reacts really well to dry heat and is incredible with steam
so here's the bow next to the billet it splintered off - tips slightly flipped - took 5 minutes each to steam, couldn't quite get all the big central deflex out and put a big split right through the bow when I pushed it too far - glued up really well with cascamite.
3/4 draw - sorry about the picture quality - will post decent photos when the finishing is done. she's 65" ntn and about 30# at 24. Shoots really well, nice string tension, just 3 or 4 pounds over target weight at the moment, sanding and a few scrapes and should be good to go