I have just removed my 1st attempt at a backed bow from the cawl.
It is a hickory backed elm board, 62" ntn, 1 1/2" wide for 1st 4" and then tapers to 3/4" tips at present.
It had 1/4" of deflex before the backing was applied, but came off of the cawl with 5/8 of reflex.
I have floor tillered as per Dean's facet method and have just tried it on a long string: it currently pulls 30# @ 6" on this long string.
Its mass is 18 oz and the reflex has increased by almost 1/8" with the removal of belly wood.
I am searching for 45# @ 26" but am concerned that I may not have enough mass.
The board feels really "lively" in its present state.
I am feeling a little nervous on this one and would appreciate some guidance from you experienced guys.
Red Dwarf